Congratulations to Our 2024 Grand Prize and First Place Winners!
NETrolyze, a novel immunotherapy for triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC), was named the $25,000 grand prize winner at a live finalist round held November 15 in New York. The first-in-class therapeutic injectable gel prevents the spread of TNBC, one of the most aggressive cancer types, enabling patients to avoid toxic chemotherapy and expensive treatments – potentially transforming their lives. Click here for the full list of 2024 winners. Also see the Top 100 highest scoring entries.
Special thanks to our esteemed panel of judges.
Help build a better tomorrow
Since Tech Briefs magazine launched the Create the Future Design contest in 2002 to recognize and reward engineering innovation, over 15,000 design ideas have been submitted by engineers, students, and entrepreneurs in more than 100 countries. Join the innovators who dared to dream big by entering your ideas today.
Read About Past Winners’ Success Stories
Special Report spotlights the eight top entries in 2023 as well as past winners whose ideas are now in the market, making a difference in the world.
Click here to read moreA ‘Create the Future’ Winner Featured on ‘Here’s an Idea’
Spinal cord injury affects 17,000 Americans and 700,000 people worldwide each year. A research team at NeuroPair, Inc. won the Grand Prize in the 2023 Create the Future Design Contest for a revolutionary approach to spinal cord repair. In this Here’s an Idea podcast episode, Dr. Johannes Dapprich, NeuroPair’s CEO and founder, discusses their groundbreaking approach that addresses a critical need in the medical field, offering a fast and minimally invasive solution to a long-standing problem.
Listen nowThank you from our Sponsors
“At COMSOL, we are very excited to recognize innovators and their important work this year. We are grateful for the opportunity to support the Create the Future Design Contest, which is an excellent platform for designers to showcase their ideas and products in front of a worldwide audience. Best of luck to all participants!”
— Bernt Nilsson, Senior Vice President of Marketing, COMSOL, Inc.
“From our beginnings, Mouser has supported engineers, innovators and students. We are proud of our longstanding support for the Create the Future Design Contest and the many innovations it has inspired.”
— Kevin Hess, Senior Vice President of Marketing, Mouser Electronics
Weed trimmers cause more heartburn than any other garden tool. Depending upon centrifugal force (CF) to extend the filament when you bump the head on the ground, if you let the string get too short, there isn’t much mass for the CF to work on. Also, as dirt and grass gets into the head,
This is the creation and transmission of electricity via wireless, through the use of diesel and petrol powered cars to power up communities and industries. A lot of alternative ways of creating electrical energy have been created and most of them cost of a lot of money to set up and install,
In North America transportation accounts for 23% of the greenhouse gas emissions produced. To determine the amount of greenhouse gases produced, and to have a basis for comparison, a measurement known as “global warming potention” is used. This measure represents the amount of heat trapped by a greenhouse gas compared to carbon dioxide over a specific time interval.
To prevent delay in travel time, accidents, and destruction of road surfaces I recommend using heated roads. To achieve this I suggest using a conductive grid layed just under the roadway surface at the time of resurfacing or new construction. The grid would be heated by solar power collected every 5-10 miles of highway/roadway.
Access to affordable, renewable energy generation is necessary to drive sustainable development and global access to quality health care and education. In response to this demand, we have developed a novel solar thermal electricity and thermal power plant technology that has 30-50% lower lifecycle costs than currently available photovoltaic panels and diesel generators.
Supercritical combustion is a new concept of combustion technology aiming at reducing the fuel consumption and pollutant emission levels of a diesel engine. Supercritical combustion is a controlled detonation technique in which the fuel will be introduced into the combustion chamber in its supercritical state,
This invention pertains to the Automotive Engineering and Green Technologies.
Today, oil accounts for 96% of the fuel that powers our country's vehicular fleets. The old polluting conventional internal combustion piston engines in our cars work by burning gas and creating an explosion that forces the pistons down, consequently, emitting over a billion tons of Co2 into our atmosphere.
Imagine paraplegic patients with as severe injuries as complete paralysis of lower limbs to be able to independently stand up and walk both indoors and outdoors simultaneously exercising power assisted gait training.
According to the International Spinal Cord Society, over 2.6 million people in the world suffer from spinal cord injury (SCI).
A simple foot operated mechanism for controlling both throttle and brakes of a motor vehicle is proposed. The throttle is controlled by pivoting foot at the ankle. A locking mechanism is used, which provides rigid support for the driver's foot while operating the throttle. The brakes are applied by pushing the heel down to release the locking mechanism,
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