Marine Debris Collecting Underwater Robot

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The marine debris collector on our remotely operated vehicle has the potential to make a significant impact on the international problem of marine debris. Marine debris is a major issue for our oceans and the creatures that live in them. It poses a threat to marine life, damages marine ecosystems, and affects the health of humans who consume seafood. By collecting marine debris from the ocean underwater, the ROV (remotely ioerated vehicle) can help to reduce these negative impacts.

The marine debris collector ROV can operate in areas that are difficult or dangerous for humans to access, such as deep-sea environments or areas with strong currents. This means that it can collect debris from areas that would otherwise be impossible to reach. Additionally, the ROV can be operated remotely, which reduces the risk of injury to human operators.

This particular ROV is aimed mostly at retrieving items such as shopping trolleys (carts), bicycles and other assorted items that village idiots the world over throw off jetties, river banks and bridges. The grappling hook detaches and has a 200 kg breaking strain line 50 metres long with a float on its arm so that items can be hauled in without the ROV being further involved.

The ROV also has a quickly demountable twin disc cutter with counter-rotating blades with hopefully the ability to cut through rope, discarded fishing gear and possibly light cable. There is obviously plenty of testing to be done to further refine what works and what doesn’t work.

It has a Cerulean sonar for better object identification and DVL650 to keep the ROV steady in currents.

The body is designed from two very simple boxes that couple together with flat hatches. This ROV won’t be going deeper than 50 metres and I wanted to keep the design as simple as possible to keep the machining cost down and also keep my electronics easily accessible.

My normal designs focus much more heavily on making the bodies as hydrodynamic as possible but the idea was to make this as cheap as I could to allow entities involved in marine debris collection to have the cheapest units possible.

By removing marine debris from the ocean, the ROV can help to protect marine life from entanglement and ingestion of plastic and other debris. This can help to preserve biodiversity and maintain healthy marine ecosystems. Additionally, removing debris from the ocean can improve the health and safety of humans who consume seafood, as it can reduce the amount of plastics and other contaminants that are present in the ocean.

Overall, the marine debris collector on our remotely operated vehicle has the potential to make a significant impact on the international problem of marine debris. By collecting debris from the ocean floor, the ROV can help to reduce negative impacts on marine life, and It represents an important step towards addressing this critical environmental issue and protecting our oceans for future generations. We hope to inspire other innovations to work towards this important problem.


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  • Name:
    John Griffiths
  • Type of entry:
  • Patent status: