NETrolyze: A Novel Immunotherapy for Triple-Negative Breast Cancer
Sam Currier and Priyan Weerrappuli, Extrinsic Immunity, West Bloomfield, MI, USA
Laser-generated Anti-icing and Anti-fogging Transparent Materials
Chi Vinh Ngo and Chunlei Guo, AlchLight LLC, Rochester, NY, USA
Honorable Mention – Aerospace & Defense Category
Daltonomous – Cyber-physical Defense for Autonomous Systems
Alex Dalton, Pritam Dash and Prasanna Karthik, Daltonomous Inc., Guelph, Ontario, Canada
Boundary Layer Ingesting (BLI) Ducted Fan for Silent Flight
Feroz Ahmed, Ismaeel Zaman, Djamel Rezgui, and Mahdi Azarpeyvand, University of Bristol, Bristol, England
Safe2Ditch Technology
Jesse Midgett, Louis Glaab and Patricia Glaab, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA, USA
STARS - A Deployable CubeSat Telescope Superstructure for Near Earth Asteroid Detection and Planetary Defense
Athip Thirupathi Raj, Adrien Bouskela, and Jekan Thangavelautham, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA
Multi-modal Traffic Detection System
Tyson Thomas and Aditya Kurupati, Transensys LLC, San Francisco, CA, USA
Honorable Mention – Automotive/Transportation Category
RDB55 Rim-driven Brushless Thruster for Underwater Applications
Mohamed Keshk, M-T-K, Cairo, Egypt
LiqFric – the Future of Friction – Time for a Model Change
Roman Milczarek, Niels Wittigniels, and Ute Wittig, LF GmbH & Co. KG, Leverkusen, Kazakhstan
Cost-effective High-performance Sustainable Lightweight Automotive Body Structures
Lewis Motion, WEAV3D Inc., Norcross, GA, USA
Real-time Non-surfactant Emulsion Fuel Supply System
Yahya Wira Jazair, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Thin-film Thermoelectric Cooling Device
Rama Venkatasubramanian, Luke Osborn, Jeff Maranchi, Meiyong Himmtann, Jonathan Pierce, Richard Ung, Katy Carneal, Robert Armiger, and Katie Kerrigan, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab, Laurel, MD, USA
Honorable Mention – Electronics Category
Semiconductor Factory in a Box
Ahmed Busnaina and Sudhir Jain, Nano OPS Inc., Burlington, MA, USA
Ultra-low Power Standoff Acoustic Leak Detection
Michael Hasselbeck, MicroPhonon, High Springs, FL, USA
The Safeguard Cane
Leong Kah Meng, Chan Bun Seng,Kang Eng Siew, Ngeu Chee Hau, and Ng Khai Le, Southern University College, Johor Bahru, Malaysia
Dynamically Tunable RF Filters
Sam Belkin, CarboMed, San Diego, CA, USA
RHOBARR Barrier Dispersions Platform
Allyson Marianelli, Dow Inc., Collegeville, PA, USA
Honorable Mention – Manufacturing & Materials Category
MAD3: Software Toolkit for Robust Predictions of Plastic Anisotrophy in Metals
David Montes de Oca Zapiain and Hojun Lim, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM, USA
A Major Breakthrough in Global Climate Goals
Jan Thoren, Xiomara Garcia, and Ron Suverkrop, NanoArchitech Inc., Gilroy, CA, USA
Controlled Polymer Ablation Powered by Vulcan: A Novel Pre-treatment Process for Adhesive Joining of Lightweight FRP Assemblies with a Quality Control System
Abhilasha Tomar, Plasma Bound, Dublin, Ireland
ACRYSOL RM735-BF: A Biocide-free and Solvent-Free Associative Rheology Modifier for the Waterborne Architectural Coatings Industry
John Rabasco, Sipei Zhang, Wenqin (Sunny) Wang, Jessica Kathy Seidman, Erica Frankel, Tara Conley, Edwin Baraniak, David Heinley, Gerry Valdez, and Kuldip Patel, Dow Inc., Collegeville, PA, USA
A Smart Contact Lens for Glaucoma Management
Hamdi Torun, Arda Deniz Yalcinkaya, Gunhan Dundar, and Ozgur Kaya, Northumbria University, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK
Honorable Mention – Medical Category
Beth Labreche and Jill Schiaparelli, Avation Medical, St. Paul, MN, USA
Wearable, Non-invasive, Continuous Blood Pressure Monitors for Maternal Health
Xina Quan, Zhenan Bao, Keith Drake, Doug Halperin, Junjun Liu, Art Muir, Peter Noymer, Dave Richardson, Thomas Roxlo, and Will Sutherland, PyrAmes Inc., Cupertino, CA, USA
Minimally Invasive Tissue Sealing (MITS) Patch
Sarah Wu, MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA
Revolutionizing Gene Therapy Delivery with Polymeric Nanoparticles (PNPs) and the HIT SCANâ„¢ Platform
Krista Smith, Andrea McCue, Tony Duong, Allison Secard, Katie Lianez, Gabe Meister, Emma Coughlin, and Russell Kittel, Battelle Memorial Institute, Columbus, OH, USA
Astroant: A Miniature Symbiotic Robot Serving on the Outside Surfaces of Spacecraft, Rovers, and Landers for Inspection and Diagnostic Tasks
Fangzheng Liu, Nathan Perry, Tobias Roeddiger, Sean Auffinger, Joseph Paradiso, and Ariel Ekblaw, MIT Media Lab, Cambridge, MA, USA
Honorable Mention – Robotics & Automation Category
Robotic Puller to Enhance Safety and Sustainability in Energy Transmission
Clyde Webster and Rohan Patel, Crest Robotics, Concord, Australia
Hybrid Multi-legged Reconfigurable Robot for Search and Rescue Operations
Alex Ramirez Serrano, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada
Erik Engeberg, Maohua Lin, and Santiago Guerra, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL, USA
WaterStrider: A New 56-mg Controllable Microswimmer Driven by a New 1-mg Unimorph SMA-Based Actuator
Conor Trygstad, Washington State University, Maple Valley, WA, USA
Cosmetic Silica Upcycled from Rice Husk as a Natural Alternative to Microplastic Powders
Anne-Marie Vincent, Jean-Luc Garaud, Giada Tonet, and Cedric Toh, Dow Silicones Belgium SRL, Seneffe, Belgium
Honorable Mention – Sustainable Technology Category
Robert Kunzmann and Tadashi Kubo, AC Biode, Hesperange, Luxembourg
Three-Dimensional Printing of Natural Wood
Md Shajedul Hoque Thakur, Muhammad M. Rahman, and Chen Shi, Rice University, Houston, TX, USA
Electrolyzers that Live Outside and Underwater: A Path to Safe, Resilient, Gigawatt-scale Clean Hydrogen Production
Elias Greenbaum, GTA Inc., Dunwoody, GA, USA
Enhancing Wheat Seed Membranes via Low-Pressure-Vacuum Plasma Treatment for Salinity-Resilient Strategic Crop Cultivation
Abdel Fattah Elgendy, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt
Contemporary Dum Biryani Cooker
Manaswini K, Krethika K, and Saatvik K, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Puducherry, India
Intelligent Wheel Safety System: AI-Enhanced Tire Safety and Sustainability with Wheel Airbag Technology
Abdulkadir Baba Hassan, University of Abuja, Abuja, Nigeria
Portable Assisted Breathing System Schilling-Pack J-1
Jonar Cubillan, 3JC Technologies, Maracaibo, Venezuela
Erik Engeberg, Maohua Lin, and Santiago Guerra, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL, USA
Smart Canvas to Design an Optimum New Product Through Regenerative Process
Viswanath Nemani, Accenture, Sunnyvale, CA, USA
Digital Twin of 3D Printer
Pratik Mane and Yash Pawar, Sanjivani College of Engineering, Shrirampur, India
Crono: Digital Time-switch to Drive Automation
Harshal Lunawat, Sujit Sonawane, and Rushikesh Kulkarni, General Industrial Controls, Pune, India
"Rakshak" - An IoT Wearable Wild Animal Distraction Device
Kiran Wakchaure, Saksham Kulkarni, Sai Lokhande, Raj Gavhale, and Sai Bankar, Sanjivani University, Kopargaon, India
Biosensors Assisted Urban Waste Water Treatment Plan with Improved Efficiency
Muthushree R, Aakash M, and Gaayathri RC, Bannari Amman Insitute of Technology, Erode, India
Watch Tower: 360° Ground-to-Air Detection System
Yetkin Degirmenci, Montgomery, TX, USA