The following entries received the highest overall scores from the panel of judges.
They are listed in alphabetical order by title.
A Major Breakthrough in Global Climate Goals
A Morphing Quadrotor-Blimp with Balloon Failure Resilience for Mobile Ecological Sensing
A New Way To Stay In Space : Self Neutralizing Air Breathing Plasma Thruster
A Practical Single Stage to Orbit (SSTO) Rocket
A Smart Contact Lens for Glaucoma Management
Aeroplicity - CMMC Compliant/Zero Trust Browser
Affordable Satellite IoT Network
Air Quality Booster with No Hardware
Anti-Gyroscopic Effect Wheel: A Patented Innovation for Motorcycles and Vehicles
Bioinspired Soft Robotic Jellyfish: Innovations in Marine Monitoring and STEM Education
Boundary Layer Ingesting (BLI) Ducted Fan for Silent Flight
Champion-Level Drone Racing Using Deep Reinforcement Learning
Continuous Low-Dose Delivery of Lenalidomide
Controlled Environment Transport Containers
Cosmetic Silica Upcycled From Rice Husk as Natural Alternative to Microplastic Powders
Cost-effective High-performance Sustainable Lightweight Automotive Body Structures
Daltonomous - Cyber-Physical Defence for Autonomous Systems
Development of an Innovative Medical Imaging Platform
Direct Print Defrosters and Heaters
Dynamically Tunable RF Filters
EndoSurge: Radiation-free Intervention
Enhanced Noninvasive Liver Fibrosis Assessment with a Novel Shear Wave Focusing Device
Fingerprint Door Lock System using Arduino and Smartphone
High Power Density Electric Power and Propulsion
High-Density, Soft Bioelectronic Fibers for Minimally Invasive Sensing and Stimulation
Highly Maneuverble Drone for Urban Search and Rescue Operations
Hybrid Multi-legged Reconfigurable Robot for Search and Rescue Operations
Intra-Nasal Intracranial Pressure Monitor
Jitsik MetaDrive XR - Mixed Reality Driving Simulation
Lab-on-a-Chip Genetic Test Device Identifies Viruses Within Three Minutes
Laser-generated Anti-icing and Anti-fogging Transparent Materials
Leakproof Valve to Protect the Environment and Enable Hydrogen Fuels
LiqFric - The Future of Friction - Time for a Model Change
MAD3: Software Toolkit for Robust Predictions of Plastic Anisotropy in Metals
Magnetic Flow Batteries for Mega Watts of Renewable Long Duration Energy Storage
Marine Debris Collecting Underwater Robot
Miniaturized Portable Emissions Measurement System (mini-PEMS)
Minimally Invasive Tissue Sealing (MITS) Patch
Modern, Fast, Accurate EM Simulation Software for Antenna and Radar Design
Multi-Modal Traffic Detection System
Nano Sensor-based Real-time Detection of Sodium Hypochlorite for Enhanced Water Quality Control
NETrolyze: A Novel Immunotherapy for Triple-Negative Breast Cancer
Non-Contact Cardiopulmonary Monitor
One Part Epoxy Changes from Red to Clear Under UV Light
Opacifying Acrylic Polymer Technology to Enable Road Markings with Reduced Titanium Dioxide Content
Optimizing Lithium-Ion Batteries for eVTOL Applications
Personalized Pharmaceuticals with CRISPR and AI
Precision Braille Printer with Threaded Motion Control
RDB55 - Rim-driven Brushless Thruster for Underwater Applications
Real-Time Non-Surfactant Emulsion Fuel Supply System
RHOBARR(TM) Barrier Dispersions Platform
Robotic Inspection of Distillation Column Trays
Robotic Puller to Enhance Safety and Sustainability in Energy Transmission
ROSES - RObotic System for Endovascular Systems
SAWSense: Using Surface Acoustic Waves for Surface-bound Event Recognition
Self-Compensated Active Filters
Semiconductor Factory in a Box
Smart Water Quality Monitoring System
SolarSCAPE Enables Building Giant Parabolic Solar Collectors on Desert Sand with Low CAPEX
Stavatti SM-920 Commercial Airliner
Surgify Halo: A New Innovative Technology for Safer, Effective, and More Precise Bone Cutting
Thin-film Thermoelectric Cooling Device
Three-dimensional Printing of Natural Wood
Turbo Wing - TW Propulsion for a New Class of Vertical Take-Off and Landing Aircraft
Ultralow-power Standoff Acoustic Leak Detection
WaterStrider: A New 56-mg Controllable Microswimmer Driven by a New 1-mg Unimorph SMA-Based Actuator
Wearable, Non-invasive, Continuous Blood Pressure Monitors for Maternal Health