Entrant Profile

Nalian Crawford

Location: Mississauga, Ontario Canada

Company: NCSQ

Profession: Engineer/Designer

Inspired by: Well, I was inspired when I decided to install a pantry in my kitchen. Without any construction or home renovation experience, I decided to embark on a journey to install a panty. While applying the putty to the drywall, I realized that I needed a mixing surface on which to knead the putty during this process. I created a working prototype of a mixing board that I used for my DIY project, and I must say that for me it worked like a charm. I was excited about the success of the prototype, and that further inspired me to create a revision #2, which boasted a few engineering changes based on lessons learned from the original design. Revision #2 was further optimized to create the final design herein. After completing my final prototype model and CAD, I decided to patent my design, and it was during my research of prior arts that I realized that this sort of device already existed. I was disappointed at first, but I did not let that deter me from pursuing my design dream, as I strongly believe that my design idea is revolutionary and contains features that are unique in many ways, which will allow it to far outperform the competition in the field.

2022 Entries

Date Title Category Views Votes
06/05 Mixing Apparatus Consumer Product Design 978 9