Lee Underkofler
Location: Blanchard, ID United States
Company: Lee Underkofler Consulting
Number of times previously entering contest: never
Favorite design and analysis tools: I have no favorites...I am an old analog EE Microwave Specialist and primarily still use handbooks and reference books.
Hobbies and activities: Electric Vehicles, Amateur Radio, Auto Restoration
Online communities: Think Car EV Yahoo users group, Facebook
Inspired by: I have a passion to tinker with cars, motorcycles, EVs, Radios, etc. I am very innovative in finding solutions to interesting or difficult engineering problems. I find I can often improve almost any electrical, electronic or mechanical design.
2015 Entries
Date | Title | Category | Views | Votes |
07/01 | Alternate Energy, Affordable, Simple, Series-Hybrid EV "People's Car" | Automotive/Transportation | 3860 | 1 |