Entrant Profile

Tamanna Sood

Location: Gurgaon, Haryana India

Company: Dronacharya college of Enginee

Profession: Student

Number of times previously entering contest: 1

Inspired by: People with complete blindness or low vision often have a difficult time self-navigating outside well-known environments. In fact, physical movement is one of the biggest challenges for blind people. Therefore, they face basic challenges in mobility, education, employment and an independent living, which ultimately impacts their inclusion in the society. They are dependent for visual feedback on others.

In India, there were 7.2 million blind people in 1990, which rose to 8.075 million in 2015.
Making the country the home of almost a quarter of the total 36 million blind people. According to latest census report. India has the largest population of blind people in the world. That’s over 8 million people. Most of them live in the poorest parts of the country with little or no access to even basic health care facilities.

2018 Entries