Green Wedge

Votes: 2
Views: 4240

My third idea from Salamander Research And Development is for a novel log-splitting wedge. Most log-splitting devices/machines have a single wedge, while some do have another wedge mounted at 90 degrees from the other wedge. My novel design would be capable of splitting a log into six equal pieces with one pass which saves time and fuel. It is capable of being installed over the existing wedge/s with an adapter, or installed as the only wedge.

The hardened ridges grab the log and the curved surfaces of the areas between the ridges force the log apart. My device would be machined out of Steel to allow the ridges to be differentially hardened. This leaves the curves to be less stiff and more shock resistant.

I have attached side and top views of my proposed wedge.
Thank You Kindly for your consideration, David Carr-CEO.


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  • Name:
    David Carr
  • Type of entry:
  • Profession:
    Researcher & CEO
  • Number of times previously entering contest:
  • David's favorite design and analysis tools:
  • David's hobbies and activities:
    Reading and walking.
  • David is inspired by:
  • Software used for this entry:
    Microsoft Paint
  • Patent status: