Mobile Amputee Prosthetic Limb Management

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Mobile Amputee Prosthetic Limb Management is a mobile software application that creates a mathematical model for individual and populations of amputees so that a better prosthetic limb fit can be achieved. The mobile application provides an individual with a software tool to track limb edema and factors that affect edema of their limb. Their data is also shared anonymously to the online web portal where data analysis is conducted. The web portal allows the population of amputees, caregivers and medical device manufacturers to track trends in edema based the contribution of the population of users.

This application uses the power of crowd sourcing information from a medical population to create a mathematical model that can be given back to the contributors and caregivers. The application leverages the power and accessibility of mobile computing with server side data analysis. While the individual uses the tool to track factors such as diet, geographic location, medications, time of day, climate, BMI, exercise and how these factors affect their individual condition, the larger population gains the contribution of data to predict trends in edema based upon many external factors and the crowd sourced contribution. The individual also then gains from the flow of data back from the group and can make modification to their individual environment based upon data from the crowd.

In the United States, over 1.5 million people are living with limb loss. Many of these individuals are fitted with prosthetic limbs. Management of edema is crucial for proper prosthetic fit and function. Based upon our U.S Patent, Mobile Amputee Prosthetic Limb Management quantifies volumetric measurements and factors affecting edema so that a medical professional and an amputee can understand, predict and obtain proper fit of a prosthetic limb.

The software uses a patented data collection process using circumference measurements of the affected limb area. Volume is calculated by section and by total limb and lifestyle factors such as medication, diet, body cycles, treatments, geographic location are correlated to the measurements. Aggregated data will show trends in volumetric changes by limb area section and total limb area volume as related to specific external factors. As data is tracked over time, trends in individual volumetric changes can be seen and stabilization of edema can be visually observed and predicted through the charting capability.

Data can be submitted for population tracking with the intent of creating a large population mathematical model to contribute to understanding trends in edema and its relationship to external factors. The end result would be data that could be used by the amputee population and their caregivers to obtain and maintain the best fit for their prosthetic limbs.

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  • 2013 Top 100 Entries

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  • About the Entrant

  • Name:
    Tom Vastano
  • Type of entry:
  • Software used for this entry:
    3dsmax, C++
  • Patent status: