Unsecured loads are an everyday hazard and danger to all, drivers, passengers, motorist, motorcyclist on the road, and our environment. The problem is that unsecured loads cause 440 fatalities, 10,000 injuries and 51,000 crashes in 2010, according to government report GAO-13-24. Unsecured loads also cause 40% of the litter and debris on our nation’s highways and the cost to clean up our highways is staggering, costing taxpayers an estimated 360 million dollars annually. Unsecured loads are especially dangerous in a collision were unsecured items become missiles. We use seatbelts to keep us in the vehicle in case of an accident and cargo should be required to have the same safety precautions. All loads should be covered and secured to prevent ejection and the Gorilla Cargo Net is certified to provide safety and protection for cargo-loads of open-bed trucks and trailers.
The proven benefit is cleaner environment, safer highways, saving lives, money and property. Countries like Australia who use the Gorilla Cargo Net require haulers to cover and secure all loads. The law does not allow cargo nets with openings larger than 2 inches, this prevent items from escaping through openings and killing someone. News reports have noted cleaner, safer roadways improving the environment and the quality of life throughout the region.
The Gorilla Cargo Net is not your ordinary cargo net, it’s a combination cargo net and mesh tarp. Independently certified to meet and exceed AS/NZS 4320:2001 Standard, with a working load of 2,250 lbs. the Gorilla Cargo Net is available in (5) standard sizes to accommodate 5 ft. to 18ft. truck or trailers cargo beds. The Gorilla Net will contain any size load from pebbles to large equipment in any vehicle. Military field tested and preferred by national fleet operators to secure loads of light to heavy duty trucks and trailers. Nothing on the market compares. The Gorilla Net is not only stronger than the competition it’s very easy to cover and secure any load because the net as (2) sides, a net on one side and mesh on the other. The mesh side is smooth and slides easily over any load with edges, in addition it grips the entire load surface not just a small percentage like single straps or other cargo devices. The Gladiator Net has 60 to 180 grommets around the net parameter for flexibility and to quickly secure or suspend any loads in minutes. Patent No. 8292559.
The market potential according to the US Department of Commerce is (3) Billion plus dollars market without a cargo securement law in place. A load securement law would inspire growth, new standards in the vehicle safety industry and provide opportunities for companies to develop certified load securement devices.
The Gorilla Net is currently manufactured with cut & sew assembly and with a potential cargo securement law on the horizon here in the US, we are already investigating how to automate the manufacturing process reducing the production times and product cost.
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About the Entrant
- Name:Bruce Foggy
- Type of entry:individual
- Software used for this entry:Illustrator
- Patent status:patented