Charge Sharing Electric Vehicle Architecture

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A “Charge Sharing” BEV (Battery Electric Vehicle) architecture creates two significant features.
1. It provides a solution to range anxiety similar to a “jump” start for a distressed driver emergency.
2. It provides a cost effective alternative to stand-by automatic generators for home power outages.

Range anxiety is an ongoing concern for BEVs. The Tesla and Chevy Bolt vehicles now offer 240–300 miles of range but finding a “jump” charge for a fully discharged BEV is a driver stress factor. Vehicle charge couplers lack standardization with SAE J1772, Tesla, CHAdeMO and others by having different power ratings (volts and amps, AC vs. DC). Charging stations offer multiple couplers and Tesla is building a private network of proprietary high power fast “Superchargers” across the world. While the vehicle coupler end of charging cables may be customized, the AC plug end for most charging cables is standardized as a NEMA 14-50 outlet with a 220V/50A rating. Therefore, if the OEMs would include standard NEMA outlets in their BEVs, drivers could provide “jump” charges to fellow drivers in a fully discharged emergency by enabling the discharged vehicle to use its mobile charging cable plugged into the donor's NEMA outlet to transfer and share charge energy. This architecture effectively builds a network of millions of BEVs as mobile charging stations adding to the EV charging infrastructure.

The next problem is for the distressed BEV driver to find a BEV donor driver. The Tesla owner app running on 3G internet could link the discharged vehicle to other potential donor Teslas in the region and navigate the donor to the discharged vehicle (with feedback that help is on the way) similar to the Uber Ride Share app. Other OEMs might collaborate with a smart phone app such as Plug Share to establish communications between BEV vehicles.

This BEV architecture with a NEMA 14-50 outlet on board enables another significant feature to provide back-up power for home power outages. Vehicles with on-board energy storage of 60–100 kWh can power home essential circuits for 1–2 days during an outage. If the power outage continues for more that 2 days, the owner can take the BEV to a charging station to recharge energy for additional days of outage. The home interface could be a Generac smart home transfer switch rated for 220V/100A wired to selected circuits in the home while disconnecting the BEV charge circuit. The transfer switch would need to get plugged into the NEMA outlet in the vehicle as a stand-by action to cover any anticipated power outages (e.g. while on vacation) but the transfer switch is automatically turned on or off when utility power is cut or restored and the BEV remaining charge is displayed on the app for the owner to monitor any home use.

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    Myron Trenne
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