Electric Solar Car with Rear and Front Steering Drive

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Views: 4419

Whenever I visited an automobile plant I found that there is challenges with reverse gear while loading/unloading the materials due to lack of space. There are chances for accident.

Similar thing I have found for physically disabled people while taking back (reverse) the vehicles. Even for a normal people there is problem to reverse the vehicles.

There are sketch marks on the vehicles while parking the vehicles at home of small space.

The above problems can be resolved if we have front & rear steering with power at both the axles (front & rear).

This design provides a solution to extend the range of electric cars.

Both sides driving, back up battery with solar panel, elimination of reverse gear, emergency driving, less operating cost and less power is consumed.

The market potential for this design is considerable as electric cars start to populate the roads.

We have design a car conceptually which has electrical power as well as solar.The seats of car are free to rotate & rotation can be fixed with external pin insert. The front steering can be driven from the electric power while the rear steering can be driven with the solar power so less energy is consumed. The gearbox for front drive & rear drive can be synchronized or we can use different.

Having solar panel integrated with the charging system of an electric car provides a novel hybrid solution to extend driving range while driving. This will save money for the car owner and reduce consumption of natural resources used to create electricity. Both side driving is very helpful, it provides ease of control the vehicle and eliminates the use of reverse gear.

All materials required for this function exist. So this design can be manufactured by existing electric cars processes.

The best part we can design different styles of front and rear roof.

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  • About the Entrant

  • Name:
    Sonu Paroche
  • Type of entry:
  • Software used for this entry:
    Creo and ANSYS
  • Patent status: