Light Detecting Automatic Headlight System

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Views: 2131

Aim- To prevent cases of accidents at night (mostly in hilly areas).

Intoduction - Change and reduce the intensity of vehicle headlights with the help of a photo electric sensor.

Brief- In which we will connected a additional circuit between battery and headlight. This circuit connected with photo electric sensor at one end and another end connected between bettary and headlight. The photo electric sensor will be mounted on the windshield of the vehicle. This sensor will be mounted on exact position top of steering wheel. Firstly this sensor will detect the headlight of other vehicle suddenly our circuit will be activated and change the intensity of headlight beacuse other vehicle's driver sees the clear vision. And preventing the accidental cases. This system is mustly usable for hilly areas because those stiuation driver can't be blind for any second. And remove the problem of glare on the wind shield of vehicle.

1- prevent the accidental cases.
2-affortable circuit relative to polarized glass.
3.Power saving of vehicle battery.

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  • About the Entrant

  • Name:
    Mohit Kumar
  • Type of entry:
  • Patent status: