Problem statement:
Detection and calculation of malaria parasitemia in human blood smear
Malaria represents a serious public health problem for humans and animals worldwide. Malaria is endemic in more than 100 countries while the majority of the cases occurs in tropic countries. Estimation of parasitemia (in stained blood smears) is an important parameter in malaria diagnosis and malaria research; however it is being perform manually since binging, which is a time consuming method. In contrast this study proposes a Python (Open CV) based image processing tool for easy, user friendly, accurate and cost effective calculation of parasitemia. During this process, initially the malaria positive blood smear image was acquired and a Python Code for Image Processing was developed which includes image decomposition, cell size estimation, morphological transformation and parasitemia calculation. Proposed tool resulted in 7.42% of parasitemia which in contrast to manual calculation (6.42% parasitemia), 90.00% accurate. Based on the above observations it can be concluded that the Python based image processing tool is a very effective approach of rapid calculation of parasitemia.
Proposed Technique:
A Python based automated image processing tool for accurate, rapid and user friendly calculation of malarial parasitemia has been purposed. For this purpose, pictures of stained blood samples were collected and analyzed by using proposed automatic tool to calculate parasite infected cells.
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About the Entrant
- Name:Mahendra Swain
- Type of entry:individual
- Patent status:none