Karen Owyeung
Location: Redwood City, CA United States
Company: Lunera Lighting
Profession: Lunera Management Team
Number of times previously entering contest: never
For managing CAD data Karen's company uses: SolidWorks PDMWorks
Hobbies and activities: Supporting my childrens sports activities
Online communities: twitter
Inspired by: The team at Lunera Lighting is comprised of engineers, scientists and artisans. Together we challenge each other to create inspiring breakthrough LED luminaires. CEO Karen Owyeung brings a wealth of knowledge from her early LED development days with Roland Haitz at HP to today's latest innovations. Don Peifer, co-founder and Chief Innovation officer approaches lighting from a designer's perspective.
2011 Entries
Date | Title | Category | Views | Votes |
06/30 | Lunera 6460 SERIES LED Luminaure | Sustainable Technologies | 4380 | 4 |