Entrant Profile

Craig Mcintier

Location: Layton, Utah United States

Company: SetaTec

Profession: Engineer/Designer

Inspired by: Every designer has their own style and preferences that make each unique. All are inspired by how they see the world.
I received an education in manufacturing and spent a few years in machining and automation. Earlier in life I was as an oil painter, all of which inspire my designs. When designing something I’m thinking about how to build it, collaborating with those who the designs apply to, while making it look appealing. Almost never does a first design catch on I learned. Failure is needed to learn so I fail fast and learn fast and with each step come closer to the design that works best.
The Touch 1K is after several iterations to get where it is at for a combination of performance, ergonomics and engineering all in one.

2016 Entries

Date Title Category Views Votes
06/27 Touch 1K: The Last Light You'll Ever Need Consumer Products 2563 0