As a technology, spark ignition power units feature high degree of maturity. On the other hand, incremental benefits on a wide scale mean significant impact!
Spark anemometry leverages exactly this: increased efficiency for new and existing engines. Improved control margins are obtained through in-cylinder fluid motion data that renders cylinder-to-cylinder optimal ignition adjustment possible.
Passive systems are a type of design that uses natural processes to cool/heat a building without the use of mechanical/electrical systems. The system is composed of solar collector towers (air heater) and solar drying chambers. This system is designed to take advantage of both direct solar and convective heat flow to provide efficient and reliable drying.
The project will allow converting low potential thermal energy into mechanical energy and then using mechanical energy to convert it into electric energy. Heat can be obtained from geothermal sources, direct solar heating, wind or any other sources.
This entry concerns the safety of life on the planet. It proposes action to improve our awareness of potential threats from near earth objects in space by asserting the need for an early warning scanning capability that covers all directions.
The recent 2017 discovery of ‘Oumuamua, the first known interstellar object to enter our solar system, is pertinent.
With the rapid development of imaging technology, many methods have been proposed to assist in the management and monitoring of cultural heritage through imaging technology. Most imaging monitoring systems rely on fixed-angle image processing, which significantly increases costs. To address this issue, this paper proposes a monocular camera pose estimation and calibration system.

Starton’s proprietary continuous delivery technology can increase efficacy of approved drugs, make them more tolerable, and expand their potential use. We are advancing the following candidates in our continuous delivery platform:
STAR-LLD: Transdermal and continuous subcutaneous formulations of lenalidomide for chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), multiple myeloma (MM), and other cancers.
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