Entrant Profile

Jacek Paczkowski

Location: Zielona Gora, Lubuskie Poland

Company: Patents Factory Ltd.

Number of times previously entering contest: 2

Favorite design and analysis tools: Protel, Solidworks, EdgeCAM

For managing CAD data Jacek's company uses: SolidWorks PDMWorks

Hobbies and activities: build models, create and test ideas

Online communities: none

Inspired by: everything what I see, hear or read

2014 Entries

Date Title Category Views Votes
06/15 Never Ending Memory Electronics 3965 0

2012 Entries

Date Title Category Views Votes
06/30 Hyperlinks in Video Content Consumer Products 3486 0

2010 Entries

Date Title Category Views Votes
06/28 Speech for speechless Medical 5134 0