Entrant Profile

Amy Baxter

Location: Atlanta, GA United States

Company: Buzzy4PainRelief

Profession: Scientist

Number of times previously entering contest: 2

Favorite design and analysis tools: electrical tape, a hammer, soldering iron, and busted cell phone parts

Hobbies and activities: Buzzy for pain relief! And SciFi, Space

Online communities: MedScape, AAP, ACEP, LInked In

Inspired by: Patients are at the mercy of the medical system, which is oriented to solving problems but not preventing pain. To encourage rehabilitation and preventative healthcare, it is critical that there be no barriers to home pain management. Products like VibraCool can both soothe and heal at home, empowering patients to control pain without narcotic medications. Eliminating unnecessary pain and suffering, and removing the stigma of fear, inspire me. After talking to patients who put off surgeries due to fear of pain or need for medications, I adapted my proven needle pain solution "Buzzy" to other situations needing a fast acting pain management tech solution that is wearable for convenience. I keep going for the people who tell me our products change their lives.

2015 Entries

Date Title Category Views Votes
06/20 VibraCool Ache and Injury Relief Medical 2558 8

2014 Entries

Date Title Category Views Votes
05/23 Buzzy for Pain Relief Medical 6185 1

2011 Entries

Date Title Category Views Votes
03/02 Buzzy for Pain Relief Medical 6378 19