Entrant Profile

Fernando De La Pena Llaca

Location: Friendswood, Texas United States

Company: AEXA Aerospace LLC

Profession: Business Owner/Manager

Number of times previously entering contest: never

Favorite design and analysis tools: Aexa’s President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Fernando De La Peña has twenty years of successful leadership in technology and engineering companies.
A United States citizen, his lifelong passion for space exploration combined with Aexa’s leading-edge expertise, plays a key role in his support for NASA. As an undergraduate engineering student, Fernando completed and patented a spacecraft engine propelled by anti-matter, and received additional patents, for example, a space launcher employing magnetic levitation. He received a Discovery Channel Prize in 2010 for his work developing the Mexican Space Agency.
He is the former President of the National Contract Management Association, NCMA Space City Houston chapter at NASA JSC. NCMA is the world’s leading professional resource in the field of contract management. He was elected this year as Chairman of the Johnson Space Center Small Business Council.
He serves on the Bay Area Houston Economic Partnership Board of Directors (BAHEP

Hobbies and activities: aerospace, technology, 3d printing, STEM

Inspired by: I believe that this technology will help us to improve ways to provide telemedicine. It will be possible to Holoport a physician to the patient's living room, or Holoport, a deployed warfighter to their mess hall to have supper or play games with his family. There are multiple applications where holoportation will play a major role; our technology is portable and affordable.
Our motto is "where the future begins." I believe that we are making that true, and your support to this project will be the beginning of a new future where people will not need to travel to be connected with their families, coworkers, or customers. Travel will be for leisure only.

2020 Entries

Date Title Category Views Votes
06/20 Holoportation Medical 1623 1

2013 Entries