Entrant Profile

Anatoly Blanovsky

Location: Los Angeles, CA United States

Company: WETC

Profession: Scientist

Number of times previously entering contest: 3

Inspired by: As a nuclear physicist and researcher for many decades, it's frustrating to witness new technologies not being used to their maximum potentials. My inspiration also stems from the original Lorentz theory. A long time before quantum mechanics, Lorentz suggested that some disturbances, like waves, could be transmitted with traveling particles through the vacuum without moving. Lorentz was ahead of his time and this approach led to the natural introduction of the field values (group velocity and intensity of de Broglie waves) into Maxwell's equations and antimatter (antiparticles or modes with negative group velocity) into Newtonian mechanics.

2017 Entries

Date Title Category Views Votes
05/03 Hybrid Solar-Wind Power System Sustainable Technologies 2403 1

2016 Entries

Date Title Category Views Votes
03/25 High-Efficiency Hybrid Solar Power System Sustainable Technologies 2418 0

2015 Entries

2014 Entries

Date Title Category Views Votes
07/01 Novel Applications of the Lorentz Theory Sustainable Technologies 3738 2