Aerospace & Defense

Currently, air-breathing electric propulsion ramjet configurations are considered worldwide. However, configurations with air scoops suffer from significant momentum losses due to air collimation and drag. One idea that was proposed a few years ago and requires further development is a direct scramjet configuration that can significantly reduce drag. In this case, full ionization of atmospheric molecules is required.
A fundamentally new type of power mechanical gyroscope Gyro_6DoF with the maximum number of degrees of freedom in a holonomic mechanical system is proposed, the operation of which was developed and tested using AI.
TEAM ASTRONOSH declares: insects will be part of the solution!
Our multidisciplinary team is pioneering the future of food with an innovative, circular food system that produces nutritious, tasty fare for astronauts deep in space, and people on Earth. Insects are a major part of our solution,
The primary reason is the advancing rotor blade tips airspeed must not exceed about 1,000 feet per second (Mach .

Zulu Pods are the world's first decentralized lubrication system that combines the function of a reservoir, pump, and nozzle into a single, self-contained, hermetically sealed, packaged oil delivery system. The Zulu Pod is lighter, placed right in the working zone of the engine bearing or gear compartment, and meters the exact amount of lubrication for optimal performance.
The Amphibious Drone with operational capabilities of surveillance and data acquisition both in underwater and air. The Objectives are to create a prototype that is capable of operating in air and under water, to demonstrate the capabilities of developed prototype for underwater surveillance, and to acquire and transfer the underwater data to the control station.
Calculations based on NASA's 'Simu' programs show that a single stage to semi-synchronous equatorial orbit, SSEO, with a 100% re-useable craft, propelled by clean, supercooled maglev launch boost, hydrogen/air turbojets, and hydrogen/air rockets, is feasible with a solar powered manufactory generating energy, and condensing, distilling, and storing, propulsion and cooling gases from the atmosphere.

As industry and defense gradually shift to a modular space architecture, a reliable, autonomous process to assemble and integrate individual satellite modules in space needs to be developed. Due to the high cost of launching medium to large satellites, interest has developed for servicing and refueling satellites on-orbit.
I would like to nominate the F-35B Lift Fan System for the Create the Future Award in the category of Aerospace and Defense, in recognition of its breakthrough design and significant contribution to the aviation industry.
The F-35B Lift Fan System represents a remarkable leap forward in vertical lift capabilities, transforming the way modern military aircraft operate.
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