Continuous tracking of physiological signals underneath deep tissue represents clinical significance and challenges to health monitoring. Signals generated by internal organs and deep tissues can better correlate to disease diagnosis and predict severe symptoms. We aim to develop a wearable sensing platform that can interrogate deep tissue physiological signals autonomously and continuously.
For helicopters, the development of a floor lining made of a sandwich micro-lattice structure holds the potential to greatly improve the safety of passengers and crew during an unfortunate turn of events like a crash landing. These crashes can be cataclysmic and sometimes fatal.
A multi-rotor wind turbine called the G-VAWT (Gyro Vertical Axis Wind Turbine) was created to support SDG Goal 7, which is concerned with developing affordable and sustainable energy sources. When it comes to controlled power output and consistency, this cutting-edge vertical turbine outperforms conventional wind turbines.
NavTrack is an innovative indoor navigation and occupancy monitoring system that utilizes cutting-edge technologies to revolutionize the way people navigate large building complexes. Designed to address the challenges faced by occupants in finding specific locations within buildings and ensuring their safety during emergency evacuations, NavTrack offers a comprehensive and intelligent solution.
Green-energy startup Planck Energies is developing a nanofibrious biopaint as a passive cooling coating. This product will improve building energy efficiency by reducing reliance on air conditioning systems. Crucially, this product will also offer low-cost cooling for populations in less industrialized, low income, or off-grid regions that cannot rely on A/C systems.
There are several million patients the world over suffering from End Stage Renal Failure (ESRD) with comparatively very few donor kidneys available for transplantation. Of those transplanted at least 10% a year fail; plus all the complications from lifelong immunosuppressive medications. Dialysis,
The most important components that determine the high combat readiness of military units are the maintenance of full serviceability and readiness for immediate combat use of military equipment, in particular artillery guns (howitzers).
Howitzer rods belong to the damping and recoil control system.
One of the main reasons mechanical failure occurs in any kind of machinery is due to failure of the gear especially when the gear tooth beaks suddenly due to different reasons. The only way to deal with gear tooth breakage that is considered unfillable is replacement of the gear and disposal, but what if this is not the case?
The solar system confronts us with countless mysteries that stir the curiosity of humanity’s brightest minds. However, the prohibitive cost of robotic space exploration renders it inaccessible to most scientists. One emergent technology could lower this barrier: the CubeSat.
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