Sustainable Technology
A multi-rotor wind turbine called the G-VAWT (Gyro Vertical Axis Wind Turbine) was created to support SDG Goal 7, which is concerned with developing affordable and sustainable energy sources. When it comes to controlled power output and consistency, this cutting-edge vertical turbine outperforms conventional wind turbines.
The cup is made of chitin and contains compartments containing chitin-degrading enzymes ('chitanases').
Enzyme compartments have small openings to the outside of the cup.
Enzymes are initially in a dried (‘lyophilized’) state and are inactive.
Upon exposure to water in the environment (such as a landfill), the water enters enzyme compartments, reconstuting and re-activating the enzymes.
Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) are technologies that turn the chemical energy found in organic materials into electrical energy by using microorganisms. They are under the category of bio-electrochemical systems (BES), which are capable of producing power from a variety of organic wastes, including wastewater, agricultural waste, and even human faeces.
An anode (the electrode where oxidation takes place),
This power plant uses the landscape in three ways to create power that can be regulated keeping surges at a minimum. The power plant is adjacent to an area were deep water is on one side and lower land or water on the other.
Green-energy startup Planck Energies is developing a nanofibrious biopaint as a passive cooling coating. This product will improve building energy efficiency by reducing reliance on air conditioning systems. Crucially, this product will also offer low-cost cooling for populations in less industrialized, low income, or off-grid regions that cannot rely on A/C systems.
Today, many cotton crops are dying as a result of poor quality and non-distribution of entomophages by hand for biological control of pests in cotton fields in our country.
We have created special equipment for the distribution of entomophagola. It attaches to a drone or tractor unit. At the same time,
This summary presents an innovative fastener designed to provide secure and permanent attachments in large solar farms, in order to reduce dependence on non-renewable energy sources. It enhances the structural integrity and longevity of solar panel installations by reducing potential loosening issues commonly encountered in conventional solar module mounting systems.
Our integrated solution comprises of Biomass gasifier and TMSG-DC on a single skid which will be a portable gas based generator works on biodegradable waste. It is a renewable based cleantech product suitable for household applications.
Water is a very scarce resource that needs to be used sparingly by everyone. Many people around the world go for days without this very basic need. Many liters of water are lost through water taps that are either left unclosed or not closed properly every day, which is a concern for the world at large.
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