Sustainable Technology
The project will allow converting thermal energy into mechanical energy and then using mechanical energy to convert it into electrical energy. Heat can be obtained from geothermal sources, direct solar heating, wind or any other source.
There are numerous sources’ of salt water and very limited of fresh water in the world. A lot of different distillers work everywhere but most of them are very expensive and require a lot of energy. We suggest a very cheap distiller with very low consumption of energy. It is cheap because: using very simple technology;
My concept deals with the crushing and grinding of food or bio waste using an anticipated machine at its place. The manually operated or mechanized machine will have two stages. The first stage will involve crushing/grinding biowaste into small particles for two minutes. In the second stage,
This invention relates to a modified firefighter truck, in which a telescoping ladder has been repurposed with multiple spinning wheels to launch a shell consisting of a fire retardant powder with an explosive core. Set to detonate right on top of the fire, it can fire 2 shells every 3 seconds.
The over-application of chemical-based toxic pesticides and insecticides has caused great health concerns for consumers. Some sources claim around 385 million cases of UAPP (Unintentional Acute Pesticide Poisoning) occur annually worldwide including around 11,000 fatalities, which is based on a worldwide farming population of approximately 860 million.
Mankind is almost out of fossil fuels as witnessed by companies trying to squeeze oil out of sand, “Fracking” destroying the Earths crust. Wind and solar will not be able to keep pace with our need for energy and fusion power will not be available until the next century, if at all.
Idea 1
Problem Statement Title: Solar panel with solar tracking device without power consumption.
Institute Name: Saffrony Institute of the Technology
Institute Code: 039
Theme Name: Smart Automation
One of the reasons wildfires start is camping fire. A campfire is a fire at a campsite that provides light and warmth, and heat for cooking. Many devastating wildfires are known to be started as a result of poor camp fire management as seen in this wildfire incident below.

My entry is the Liquid Air Energy Storage and Regeneration (LAESAR) system – to address both of the twin problems heading the global sustainability agenda: A) the need for energy storage on global power grids when they have transitioned to full dependence on renewable energy,
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