Machinery & Equipment
Sol-Stak is an open, small system, embedded prototyping paradigm.
We do a lot of prototyping across multiple vendor systems. Reference designs and software support for these systems are a fragmented, multi-standard, multi-faceted, mess.
Prototyping embedded systems has very particular focus and objectives.
The intermittent nature of solar photovoltaic (PV) electricity generation creates a considerable barrier to relying on it as a source of consistent energy. Solar intermittency and power fluctuations vary greatly over the course of a day, in time intervals ranging from seconds to minutes.
To address this problem,
Presently, this equipment is very much useful for the forging and automation industry.The main function of the step feeder is to orient & feed the cut billets lengthwise to a conveyor for the next operation.
Redesign the step master to include working out the upper body (New Design) at the same time you work out the lower body (existing machine).
It has two options for working out your upper body:
Option 1) From pulling, will work out the arms biceps/tripceps,
Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC) is a sudden and difficult-to-predict severe degradation mode of failure of nuclear, petrochemical, and other industries. This is a development proposal for a methodological software based in: the propensity of SCC failure plus a kinetic model link which better describes the failure evolution.
Call it the Swirl Drive. The purpose of the idea is to improve on the Mecanum-type drive system by increasing traction and stability (and utilizing more off-the-shelf components), while retaining its simplicity, maneuverability and control system.
This simple equipment is designed to improve efficiency and cost effectiveness level regarding time and material spent in tire manufacturing processes.
In current textile plies knitwork stage as initial process to make casing plies,
The Vacuum Tile Grid System is a multifunctional system designed to keep shop floors clean and safer by providing a solution to keep dust off shop floors.
The Variable Volume Reservoir (VVR) was designed around the common aerospace Bootstrap reservoir used on aircraft. The VVR design is much simpler in design and cost effective. It was designed to target the industrial hydraulic machinery sector (mobile and stationary).
In times of natural disaster potable water and electrical power are scarce. Water is both heavy and heavily used, therefore it is most economical to transport fuel as a source of power and make the water locally from the moisture in the air.
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