Turn signal related issues are included in virtually all lists of driver’s pet peeves. Although every car and truck is built with turn signals and every driver is obliged by law to use them, many drivers neglect to use them. Also,
Our goal is to measure and evaluate the performance of the human body, in real-time and in action on the field. We integrated a few technologies together for physiological parameters measurement and defined new test protocols. Based on that, we also developed algorithms so we can,
Ever wondered what your car is up to when you are busy working in your plush offices?...Well, the answer is NOTHING!
With the rapid depletion of natural energy resources and increasing pressure on countries to curb their carbon emissions (Australia being the latest example where Govt.
This is a system for using the ubiquitous televison receiver, presently those models equipped with a remote control, as an emergency early warning and information supply device. When Authorities (1) (either local, national, or international), notify any or all TV station(s)(2),
EnableRx – Enabling technologies for next generation medical diagnostics
Our Mission: EnableRx is an organization dedicated to creating innovative, low-cost, modular, scalable and interoperable telemedicine solutions that can be implemented across the planet and in space applications.
The idea is to have an endoscope with protected working channel, which is intended to prevent inadvertent damages from Holmium laser fibers to the distal end of flexible Videoscope or Fiberscope during surgery.
A group of specially desinged batteries, a robotic arm and new sensor networks are joined to on-site wind generation or other renewable energy generation method that will allow grain elevators in small communities to create affordable, reliable power available to their central city business locations.
Seabreath is a device for producing energy from wave motion that improves the performance of the OWC (Oscillating Water Column).
This floating system can also be adapted to fixed installations like jetties or attached to other floating structures. Its particularity than other wave energy converters,
Energy Generating Autonomous Sailing Craft (EGASC), unlike other wind energy conversion technologies requiring high stress resisting materials, generates pneumatic air/oxygen compression and electricity by the fast kinetic movement of the planing sailing craft with much higher components reliability.
Scientists throughout the world are looking for alternate and renewable energy sources due to the rapid decline in fossil fuel deposits. Global warming due to CO2 emmissions from burning hydrocarbons has alarmed some industrialized nations to impose new regulations and taxes to control CO2 production.
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