The first wheel based chair was developed by the Chinese in 525 AD. This was slightly crude but established the fact that people could in fact propel themselves from point A to B without the use of their legs.
This "Lifting Fuselage" design, inspired by Vincent Justus Burnelli, is a scalable aircraft design that can be used for multiple applications.
From UAV's to air taxis to airliners to super and hypersonic planes to space transports, this design is more simple, scalable,
This is my concept of a "purely for fun" sea plane. Designed for open-air fun around the lake, it will be the aviation equivalent of a jet-ski. Use of much carbon fiber, spars of prefabricated carbon pultrusions, 100 h.p. pusher engine,
Innovation: The lighted magical geometric display by wireless (electrostatics) is very unique idea where old technologies come together to make a great product. The whole idea consists in having hallow glass symbols or geometric shapes or drinking or serving glassware (bottoms only) filled with inert gases or fluorescent pigments.
My idea is for a reusable container made of 100% post-consumer, fully recyclable material, such as a heavyweight cardboard, for liquids, such as detergent and fabric softener.
The Trekr Loop Handle© is a new handle design for mankind’s oldest and simplest machines: hammers, hatchets, pickaxes, etc. The loop design offers several advantages over the traditional handles. The loop end makes losing grip on the handle almost impossible;
Due to the lack of natural predators, the populations of many animals have steadily encroached into suburban settings. These animals, most notably deer, have become a significant hazard to drivers leading to many accidents and deaths.
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome is responsible for the deaths of thousands of babies each year. Many of these deaths may be preventable with the proper detection. The proposed system is a low cost monitoring alarm that will sound if a sleeping baby is to stop breathing,
In the last ten years, atmospheric phenomena have increased exponentially, and with it thousands of lives and infrastructure have been affected. Over 30 billions dollars in losses and over 500 deaths are reported so far this year in the United States alone. The situation becomes worse in developing countries.
Many people today, with the advent of artificial prosthetic devices such as knees and hips, will in time, as the prosthetic and bond ages, develop a need for long term usage of a cane or some other similar walking add.
The recipient demographics becoming younger with each passing year.
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