This is a design for a mobile aerial solar power plant (MASP) that uses the large surface area and heavy lifting capabilities of a remote-piloted airship to provide a platform for the collection, storage,
The concept I am putting is to solve the problem of traffic accidents and congestion created due to accidents. According to WHO research, more than 1.27 million die due to traffic accidents globally every year. This problem is worst in countries where roads are not properly maintained.
Problem: In-flight entertainment (IFE) refers to the entertainment available to aircraft passengers during a flight which provides the joy of flying while letting the airline recover its cost and increase profits. Due to increasing fuel costs and energy saving,
The insertion of garment hangers through narrow neck holes is a problem which is relevant in an industrial context, at clothing retail and in the household. Hangers must be repeatedly inserted or removed through the lower ends of garments or a button or two must be opened and closed.
My design began with trying to find a way to build a home that uses wind energy to produce its own electric power, even in a low wind speed locale. Due to my background in farming and construction,
This Energy Harvester is unique by exploiting the energy of angular momentum and gravity through the vortex created by water draining in a vessel and capturing this energy with peizo-electric materials, either in cantilever or radial form.
The majority of personal vehicles in the US are utilized for commuting to and from work. The average commute time is 25.1 minutes each way with an average distance of 16 miles. Over 75% of workers commute in a single vehicle. Most of these vehicles sit outside,
Star Wars began with Luke Skywalker working on a moisture farm. Moisture farming was the only way to get enough water to sustain life on the desert planet of Tattooine. This hat was designed as a portable moisture farm.
Instant Cooling (Fast Freeze) & Instant Heating (Microwave) in one convenient attractive embodiment as a small home appliance. Insert a wine bottle, soda/beer cans and press a button. Cools in 3 minutes or less from room to refrigerated temperature.
Proper dental care is very important to an individual's overall health and general well-being. Additionally, proper brushing can significantly reduce the expense and discomfort of dental restorations, cleanings, and examinations - which is why there are now many mechanical aids available for cleaning teeth.
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