Unfortunately, there are many airplane crashes in the world every year.
From its inception, the main goal of aviation is flight safety and preservation of passenger life. I decided to connect my life with aviation, that’s why I became a cadet of Belarusian State Academy of Aviation,
BRAILLE II implements a cheap, simple and portable multi-line Braille display compatible with any touch screen device, allowing low-income blind users to get access to education, public services and work opportunities easier than ever.
The device implements a mechanism that can generate Braille symbols and automatically slide them across user's finger,
Problem statement:
Brake failure in vehicles is serious issue and it is classified as ‘ASIL D’ hazardous in automotive. The common reason for brake failure is wearing of brake pad.
-->Current brake pad wear indication technique has a wire loop inside the abrasive material. This wire loop is connected to the control unit of the vehicle.
* The automotive industry continues to look at new ways to meet tightening government regulations. Presently, the top half of a modern overhead cam engine is a busy, crowded place filled with valves, springs, seals, gaskets, bearings and more. It works but at the cost of complexity and it operates at less than optimal efficiency.
Hello! It hurts me to see people die in car accidents. Sometimes there is a fire in an accident. And inside the car there are people. They can't open the door to get out. And unfortunately, they die inside the car. Because of this, I came up with such a rescue hatch.
Salt and other chemicals rust undercarriage components. Car-bottom rust is dangerous and expensive. The undercarriage is vulnerable to damage due to lack of care. Salt and mud damage is a safety issue -- many undercarriage components cannot be rustproofed. The greatest need for non-collision car repair results from preventable undercarriage rust.
Carbon dioxide emissions are costing the world economy every year. It is likely to suffer highest economic damage from climate change after the US. The country-level SCC for India alone is estimated to be about $86 per ton of CO2. For US, the cost is about $50 billion per ton.
Carbon Fiber Monolith With Carbon Hydrophilic-Nanotubes provide:
Stationary Generator in OPEN air. Wind blowing past monolith increases power.
Water maker in open air, adsorbing water then electric swing desorption.
Closed cylinders with pistons reciprocating can be force away from each other,
Record-breaking amount of Sargassum is in the Caribbean resulting in the largest problem ever. The major problem it has brought are it piles up on beaches, sometimes many feet thick and begins to decay. The hydrogen sulphide that gets released smells like rotting eggs and many resorts had to close their doors.
Modern diesel engines move cargo all over the world and generate electricity. My idea is to use supplemental Oxygen to duplicate the effects of Nitrous Oxide without adding additional Nitrogen. Thus, by using a dedicated Oxygen Generator, you increase combustion and reduce fuel usage.
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