
Have you ever noticed how dirty the front wheels of vehicles are? Do you know why? Brake dust!
The wear of brake pads and disks is a ubiquitous source of secondary emissions in all urban centers around the world!
Reducing secondary emissions in the automotive sector is a critical step towards a sustainable future,

SMARTRIX® Traffic Light System in coordination with the In-Vehicle traffic light sensor- announce on the vehicle speaker and display on the monitor the color of the traffic light ahead for the color-blind drivers to hear– this enables and empowers the seriously color-blinds to “safely drive:”.

The Advanced Drive Cycle Generation Device project aims to develop an innovative device that generates realistic and representative drive cycles for accurate vehicle performance assessment and fuel consumption analysis. By leveraging state-of-the-art technologies, data analytics, and artificial intelligence techniques, the project seeks to create a tool that revolutionizes the way drive cycles are generated,

Vehicle subsystems like the suspension damper are inherently inefficient,
The alarming increase in road deaths and injuries involving powered two- and three-wheeled vehicles (PTWs), is compounded by the lack of sustainable solutions to curb the occurrence. In many low- and middle-income countries, PTW deaths account for 43% of all road traffic deaths. In Malaysia,
Intended to become industry "first" combination of 1) NOVAlert SMARTag(TM) bio-monitoring seat-belt tag and 2) The Luftcar.com multi-purpose modular Autonomous Air and Road Mobility (AARM) eVTOL (Electrical vertical take-off and landing aircraft).
The NOVAlert wireless seat-belt clip-on tags in the Luftcar will monitor operator's and passengers' cardio-respiratory functions contact-free (through clothing),
Third Bridge Now Freeway Corridor Is Necessary For Our Health, Safety, Economy, Environment, And Sanity
The 2002 transportation study concerning Portland / Vancouver pointed out that with have fewer bridges than similar size metropolitans. The study showed adding two bridges would still tie us for last place. The need to add capacity vehicle, pedestrian,

Aeroflux presents a method for hybrid electric vehicles to reach their destinations more sustainably, efficiently, and reliably with the patented EasyPower+™ engine that leverages advancements in material sciences, aerodynamics, and turbine technology to utilize hydrogen as a combustible fuel source. The EasyPower+ ™ engine then optionally drops into an OEMs new hybrid-electric vehicle,
Ernst Florens Friedrich Chladni was a German physicist and musician. His most important work, for which he is sometimes labeled as the father of acoustics, included research on vibrating plates. Modal analysis is used to find out mode shapes and natural frequencies of system. This work aims at demonstrating nodes and antinodes at various frequencies of vibrations.
Proposal: Durable, Low-Cost Electric Vehicle with Solar Panel and Battery Cooling System
The proposed solution aims to develop a highly durable and cost-effective electric vehicle (EV) capable of long-distance travel at a nominal speed. This EV would accommodate up to four passengers and an additional load of 100 kg.
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