A hybrid between medicine and sustainable energy, the neurobiology approach to three-four dimensional communication and the artificial cell is fast upon us.
An ebook titled 'Tizzy Wheels, A Neurobiology Almanac' is on Amazon.com and Amazon.ca, and shares an unedited first part to the up and coming 'Artificial Cell'.
Proposed virus detection screening device for emergency use authorization in the event a declared virus emergency proposal based on the technology similar to other virus screening detector technologies but in a more automated form. The technology idea was first proposed by me when i went to mystery school.
A cool application that generates music according to the voice command that can prompt specifics about the music to be produced/generated.
I've leveraged AI's many APIs such as but not limited to Whisper API, Mubert API, and used Python and its many packages.
A great app for entertainment that uses AI &
Project Proposal: Third Generation Precision Space Flight and Landing Systems
Our project aims to explore and evaluate a novel third generation of flight systems that go beyond the concepts of birds and airfoils, enabling precision space flight and landings using collapsible thruster-foils. By combining nature-inspired systems and morphologies with large area addressable array microthrusters,
My primary goal is to produce a single presentation model that examplifies this transport system by searching partners who have the first comment: It is a fiction. Yes, exactly it is but a question arises: which technology is attainable to create this concept truck? Hard fact, a new system is inevitable.
How does a wheelchair user hang picture frames in their house without any assistance up in their wall? Sure it is not day to day task but still it must feel limited to hang at once or change the frame at will.
Inspired with flag pole rope system, I am building a very simple,
This proposal is about rethinking how we transport people and goods in the future.
The idea, herein called RailCat, is a modular rail-based system that allows a non-stop smooth transportation flow between any departure and destination locations within the system.
The RailCat concept is an alternative to the historic race for faster transport between centralized hubs.
Roughly speaking for agriculture (top layer soil), soil is 25% water, 25% air, 45% mineral, 5% other; water varies widely from about 1% to 90% due to several retention and drainage properties of a given soil. Meaning because of gravity and other factors water lost moving downward and evaporation.
The following design system is intended to assist in the increase of the geomagnetic field of the Earth. The device is then able to break gravity and maintain electrical production to "transmit" a magnetic field increasing the total field strength. Currently the Earth's population's common knowledge contains the observed failing geomagnetic field.
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