For those who want to participate, an add-on sensor to your PDA and/or Cell Phone that can sense the presents of volitile material can be designed. Once installed and activated, this information along with GPS coordinates could be feed into a Homeland security data warehouse for analysis.
Methane gas is too precious to be released into the atmosphere when there are possibilities to harvest it.
Many organisms are producing methane (biogas), from bacteria to companion animals like cows.
In recent time methane is also a subject of many discussions concerning the global earth warming.
This design presents a method for containing oil from a subsea oil blowout. An apparatus constructed from this design will mitigate the spread of oil slicks from subsea oil blowouts, with the benefit of allowing oil exploration to proceed with diminished risk of environmental damage.
Here is a process that helps reduce dependence on non-renewable energy resources using environmentally friendly cooking process.
Method of reducing gryoscopic drag in automobile engines.
Remember the spinning "Tops" that we played with as children? The type that, if you set it spinning (perhaps a few hundred rpm) it would stand on it's end as if by magic?
Method to reduce gyroscopic drag in automobiles.
Remember the spinning "tops" we played with as children? The type that, if you set it spinning (at perhaps a few hundred rpm)it would stand on it's end as if by magic.
Power electronics as the controllers of speed are used for the velocity control of motors in the petroleum operations.
Because the extraction pumps are at extreme depths is required that this equipment is fed by an electrical system of median tension.
The transformer,
This device is intended to prevent people from falling or jumping into the train's way in the metro; subway, stations.
It consists in a retractile barrier of 1.5 meters in height which is deployed when the train isn’t in the station;
This project evolved from a study of convective flow I was aware of in the Navy, NASA's conquering of the Moon, an interest in MHD and the building of the ISS.
A system was devised to aid in the inspection of Micro Electrode assemblies utilized in clinical lab instruments to conduct impedance measurements on living cells in a 384 bottomless well casing with the said electrode layer bonded to the housing creating the closed cell real time data acquisition instrument
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