Conception and demonstration of a new pathology device. Initially, a non-invasive glucometer for the mass market, to extend the use of the device to facilitate the diagnosis and screening for multiple other diseases and disorders. These inventions and developments have been protected by patent.
The 700 cotton ginners currently in operation in the United States struggle with international competition and declining profitability. This is in part due to the 2000 installed gin stands that use an old ginning technology that produces inferior fiber quality, short length and excessive waste.
Imagine yourself running frantically to catch that early morning flight, weaving and winding through other travelers as your luggage follows your every move. You made it, just as the flight attendant was closing the gate. Luckily you choose to purchase Novo Luggage,
Nutrients sink in the ocean. When they sink below the level of darkness, photosynthesis in plankton cannot proceed, and the nutrients are lost. The idea is to provide floating, wave-powered pumps that will pull the nutrient-laden deep water to the surface where it can fuel the biosphere.
An improvement in evaluating patients with a Strabismus type problem as a result of strokes or accidents.
Today's need to improve quality of life of people with disabilities requires flexible, personal and innovative solutions. The latest ongoing studies demonstrate that technology, if used in a correct scenario of services, can offer the right aids that help in restoring physical limitations,
Renewable energy production used by consumers (power, heat and cooling), together with hydrogen, is seen as the dominant future energy form. Using fuel cell technology, the two forms are effectively interchangeable (hydrogen and electricity), providing the potential for hydrogen to be a large-scale storage medium for electricity.
The major drawback to vegetable oils as automotive fuel has been the starting-from-cold problem. Briefly introducing some low flashpoint fuel such as hydrogen, gasoline or ether is a solution that has storage difficulties.
Water is safe to store,
While taking pictures, keeping the camera level cuts off the top of tall buildings. If we tilt the camera upwards to include the top of the tall building, it results in Vertical Perspective.
This happens because the position of the image sensor is fixed in the camera.
Name of invention: Concave and Convex Roller Bearing
Range of field areas: Invention is widely used in the sphere of bearing production, mechanical engineering, as well as aircraft and high and light industry including other related fields of production.
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