Society has been awaiting a mechanical breakthrough on the order of the Wright Brothers, who discovered the way to employ aerodynamic lift, and achieve the miracle of powered flight, over a century ago – and changed the world. Now, after ten years in humble, studied, independent concept and experimentation,
Heavy vehicles generate high noise levels that are increasingly put under control limits. Prominent noise generating sites from (a) to (i) in the Figure are the exhaust, tyre tread, air inlet, upper engine belts an drives, base engine, transmission, auxiliary gearboxes, rear axle and air turbulence from the cabin.
Hydrostatic Bicycle Executive Summary
Hydro Bike is a breakthrough in the field of bicycle transmission. It presents the next evolution in bicycle drive. Comparing traditional bicycles to Hydro Bike is like comparing a car’s old mechanical shifting gearbox to the ®Tiptronic - Infinite variable gearbox in use today.
Parking has been a hassle for decades, and yet is a necessity. Everywhere we go we spend a large chunk of time looking for a parking space. The most common solution are Parking Structures, but these are very expensive, unsafe for pedestrians and take up a large area.
There has been a lot of news regarding the banning of the sale of internal combustion engine powered automobiles, in favour of electric motor powered automobiles.
In recent years, the automotive industry has been focused on weight reduction activities in order to reduce fuel consumption and environmental problems. Regulations aiming that focus are especially obligatory for the OEMs. AHSS and Aluminum are generally used in the automotive industry for weight reduction. However,
Nano hydro electric generator will be added value to generate electricity from the existing cooling circuits in all types of vehicle applications.
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