Gyroscopic procession device consists of a main DC motor, “axial motor,” driving a hollow shaft with a fork mounted gyroscope. The main axial motor and gyroscopic motor are precisely controlled by DC voltage with precise control of RPM.
Society has been awaiting a mechanical breakthrough on the order of the Wright Brothers, who discovered the way to employ aerodynamic lift, and achieve the miracle of powered flight, over a century ago – and changed the world. Now, after ten years in humble, studied, independent concept and experimentation,
The proposed handicraft solution for BRICO-UPT face shield is addressed to all those who want to improve their level of health protection during the exercise of their professional tasks (personnel at risk, in contact with the public: medical staff, from commerce, administration, e.a.), especially for those wearing glasses,
Unless specifically trained, a Dog has no idea of how to behave when leased. Dog parents are often seen switching hands, spinning around – doing the Dog's work instead.
Proposed is a novel concept for walking the Dog.
Numerous studies done in the area of cold temperature impact on the hands’ dexterity site serious implications of effects from working in these types of environments. Even after a short period of exposure,
configured with tandem wing,
Heavy vehicles generate high noise levels that are increasingly put under control limits. Prominent noise generating sites from (a) to (i) in the Figure are the exhaust, tyre tread, air inlet, upper engine belts an drives, base engine, transmission, auxiliary gearboxes, rear axle and air turbulence from the cabin.
Standard bioreactors used to grow microalgal cultures have made little progress in their potential output to meet the needs of industrial carbon dioxide emissions. Although the potential value of the algal product is high, maintenance is laborious and costly.
Heat sinks work by conducting heat away from a source to fins that use convection, and their wide surface area to dissipate heat into the surrounding environment. The convective heat loss formula, Q=Hc*A*(T1-T2), shows that the surface area,
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