My third idea from Salamander Research And Development is for a novel log-splitting wedge. Most log-splitting devices/machines have a single wedge, while some do have another wedge mounted at 90 degrees from the other wedge.
Some lucky people live in private homes, which gives them the option to install solar panels and wind turbines in their gardens and rooftops. But what about the majority of the people on the planet that reside in apartment buildings and don’t own their own roof or backyard?
United States Patent, Dahlen. Patent No.: 7,965,007 B2
Date of Patent: Jun. 21, 2011
My design solves the ever-increasing demand on our National Electrical Power Grid Network & Advances Electric Vehicle Viability.
The benefits include; Reducing Green House Emissions,
Guardian Angel is a kidnapping surveillance system that uses high altitude cameras to record visual evidence of kidnappings that happen on the ground in cities.
Residential fires represented approximately 85 percent of all fire deaths and 77 percent of injuries in 2009. Between 2000 and 2009, an average of 2,919 civilians lost their lives annually as the result of residential structure fires, which include one and two-family dwellings, apartments, hotels, motels, dormitories,
Develop half-size printers for printing documents that do not require standard 8.5x11-inch paper, such as sparsely worded fliers and reduced-size manuscripts. This would not only save paper and toner, but weight in shipping products and documents that currently use standard-size paper.
Innovation: The Hamstrings Rolling Weight Exercise Machine is a very simple but efficient piece of equipment that aids people to shape or tone primarily the hamstrings muscles and the outer and inner calf’s and to a lesser degree the quadriceps, abductors, and interior and posterior tibialis.
A sander is a power tool used to smooth wood and automotive or wood finishes by abrasion with sandpaper. This tool would allow the finishing of irregular shaped by using a hand held drum sander.
The Handy Handle 2 is designed to aid many people that otherwise will not be able to do certain tasks. We take for granted having two hands to do everyday tasks. I designed the handle to not look as a typical handicap item.
Soda drinks in plastic bottles sometimes go flat in no time, due to the loss of carbonation, caused by carbon dioxide leaking through the screw caps. The reason therefor is that those caps are not tight enough screwed on, because the knurled cap doesn't allow a solid grip,
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