
1st Picture: FIG 2 illustrates a side view of water waves 1 forcing a float 2 up and down reciprocating a Scotch Yoke mechanism 12 that is forced into motion by the water waves 1 moving under a floating structure 2 connected to the reciprocating motion mechanism comprised of:
A float 2, reciprocating rod 3, and slotted Scotch Yoke
1st Picture: Multiplying Hydroelectric Dam’s Water Forces Many Times To Generate Electricity
ZERO-Carbon Goals Of Governments Can Be Reached. Battery Replacement Option.
2nd Picture: Hydroelectric Dam Turbines (Left) divide water up into 16-Liquid-Units between 16-Blades, so MANY Liquid-Units have to pass through the turbine’s 16-Blades to rotate a turbine once in Prior Art.
Recuperation after surgery or any sickness is important. The rising cost of medical care is high. In ) it is found that wireless an continuous monitoring requires less attention by nurses. It also allows patient to recover without much intrusion.

Glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness, affecting 80 million patients globally including 3 million patients in the USA. Elevated intraocular pressure (IOP) is an important risk factor in the pathogenesis and progression of glaucoma.
1st Picture: ALL H2O Absorbs Solar Energy Adding Proton Electric-Energy H3O+. Liquid WATER Is An Energy Source
Water (H3O) Molecule Charge:
The water molecule is neutral. Oxygen has a charge of minus two, while each of the hydrogen atoms has a plus one charge.
Hydronium Ion (H3O+): Protons latch onto water molecules to form H3O+.
Tip Path Inc.— FREEDOM To “GO” 10-Times Further
Rotating TIRES Generate Piezoelectricity By Providing Built-In Piezoelectric Transducers In An Array Of Flexible Load-Bearing Structures Made From Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic (GFRP) Filled With Crystals, So Load-Bearing Structures Spring UP and DOWN As Tires Rotate Within FLAT-Zone Between Tire &

SENSOR Time-Released Buoyant Container-Sets EACH Fill With Hydrogen & Oxygen GAS From Electrolysis Of Water At Bottom Of Tower → Constantly Lifting UP Ropes (Cables) On Pulley-Blocks To Rotate Electric Generators To Electrolyze Water As A Constant Buoyant Gas Source.
1st Picture: View 1 Is A Closeup Of View 2’s Carbon Fiber BOND.
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