The number of disabled persons with limb loss in India was estimated to be 2,17,83,481 during July to December, 2011. They formed about 1.8 percent of the total population.
There were 1,285,000 persons in the U.S.A living with limb loss in 2009. The prevalence rate in 2009 was 4.9 per 1,000 persons
The present automatic transmission is fully mechanically controlled and the cost is very high. In this study, a gear shifting mechanism was designed and applied on a clutch featured bike to make the gear transmission process faster and less destructible for the driver using push button system design.
All the components in an automobile are powered by internal combustion engines and thereby reducing its mechanical efficiency. Battery in an automobile is charged with an internal combustion engine with the conversion of mechanical to electrical energy by an alternator also known as generator.
Tibial torsion is a condition in which the tibia has a rotation along its axis. To calculate the worth of the rotation it is necessary to make a series of studies and evaluations to determine the right angle,
A cooling system in automobile is used to remove excess heat produced in the internal combustion engines. Most automobile cooling system consists of the following components: radiator, water pump, cooling fan, pressure cap and thermostat. Of these components, radiator is the most prominent part of the cooling system, because it transfers the heat from the entire system.
Railway is one of the best modes of public transportation in the world. It offers more comfortable and fastest journey to the people. Rail is used to reduce the frictional force between the load and track.
The field of Flapping Wing Micro Aerial Vehicles (FWMAVs) or commonly known as Ornithopters have seen a tremendous amount of research based upon an argument that they are more efficient than the traditional stationary wing or the rotary wing flight at smaller scales. Ornithopters emulate the natural flapping wing motion of birds and insects resulting in the flight.
Put simply, there is not enough drinking water to go around. The causes are well known; groundwater reserves are becoming saline and contaminated, urbanisation is increasing, populations are growing and industrial activity is competing for natural water supplies. According to the World Economic Forum (WEF) a global water crisis is the greatest resource threat humanity is facing today.
One of the biggest disabilities in the world that affect billions and yet to be cured is our vision. The problem with our eye is that it degrades over time, it is not replaceable, and our lenses are sensitive. Because of these problems, our vision, probably the most important aspect into being able to live an efficient life,
The efficiency of diesel engines can be increased if the energy in the exhaust gases were better utilized. The invention (USPTO 8,210,136) shown here allows the hot combustion gases to expand a second time within the engine. The power from that secondary expansion is used by the other cylinder’s supercharger.
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