CTL Engineering of Lugano, Switzerland, has designed and realized a running prototype of a compact, modular Atkinson cycle engine (currently patent pending). This engine is entirely based upon well proven technologies, supporting a quick and cheap way into the industrialized production.
To Provide a Wheelchair :
-Which is manufactured using off the shelf parts (keeps costs low, parts available everywhere, serviceable anywhere ).
-Which reduces user’s dependency on others for his/ her day to day household activities to the maximum extent.
Our Product
Current Scenario of fossil fuel-
The life of fossil fuels left in the world is as follows- Oil- 32 years, Coal- 107 years, Gas- 37 years. These alarming statistics provoke us to ponder and develop some new technologies that will reduce the consumption of these fuels. Hydraulic Hybrid Vehicles are one of them.
The world today is concerned about saving the environment. Everywhere measures have been taken up to reduce pollution. Major amount of air pollution is caused by vehicle running on roads. They contribute to most of the air pollution hence engineers today focus on building an eco-friendly engine which can reduce the pollution caused by vehicles.
THE-PUMA is innovative transportation that considers the welfare of people and the environment. In this transportation system capsules circulate through high and safe rails. The innovation is the displacement system for the capsules to be forwarded to the station or leaving without interrupting the movement of the capsules.
There are known public advertising systems showing video clips, embedding a video screen and computer interfacing with data storage, where the advertising video clips are stored and shown in an order which is programmed preliminary or chosen randomly by the computer. The architecture of such system is presented in Fig.
Better Contact Lens Case
reduces contact lens eye disease risk using single hand functionality to reduce touched surfaces.
Easy Open - One Hand Operation ! Fewer surfaces touched improves sanitation. Practical convenient routines improve hygiene behavior.
5% of all eye disease complications are attributed to contact lens use - a major public health problem with significant economic repercussions.
There is no global, mandatory reporting requirement for shipping containers lost overboard at sea. Obviously the companies responsible would rather not mention that they regularly drop containers into the world’s oceans.
Currently the World Shipping Council estimates that 2,700 shipping containers are lost at sea each year.
A particle accelerator and containment vessel for anti-matter, specifically anti-iron.
The shape of the accelerator is that of a trefoil. An even distribution of particles along the containment path must be maintained. The total mass of the stream and its speed of traverse determine the strength and scope of the anti-Higgs field.
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