Pen technology has matured enough to date with more improved ink-delivery systems to write more comfortably. Yet, no pen on earth can capture the handwritten characters on paper and convert them to digital format.
Safe drinking water is the main scarcity after any disaster – whether natural or manmade. In many situations surface water is available but is contaminated with harmful diarrhoeal germs of diseases like cholera, typhoid, paratyphoid, dysentery, etc. If the water is not contaminated by industrial wastes and insecticides,
Game discovery is patently broken. This makes it difficult for gamers to find/buy quality games, and for indie studios to sell their games. ProjectMQ solves both problems by curating the best indie games from around the world. We've built an invitation-only social media app where our users can discover high-definition multimedia from the best indie games worldwide.
It is New Innovation to improvement the Infrastructure Maintenance and Operation (Storm water O&M) and increase protectively, accurate result and quality of life,
The Hitchnic Table is the first ultra-portable picnic table that takes up no room in your vehicle and provides extra storage space functioning as a cargo rack. The goal with this project was to make the outdoors more accessible, and to make eating outside, a lot more comfortable. In today's culture, many activities revolve around food and eating.

Developed at NASA’s Armstrong Flight Research Center,
This souped-up system will do it easily. “100% effective” needs to be qualified. All microbes in a given treatment area will be destroyed, without exception. However,
According to eHealth, 550 million people have vision problems in India, 80% of whom could be treated if the problems can be identified at the early stage.
Slit lamp is a medical device which is used for the diagnosis the eye related problems like:
- Clouding of the lens (cataracts)
- Injury to the clear tissue (cornea)
Key component for Fusion Deposition Modelling (FDM) printers is the nozzle.
Diameter of the nozzle is a compromise between deposition rate and printing resolution. Large nozzle improves deposition rate, while high resolution requires small nozzle size.
Another critical issue is the surplus of material that keeps flowing out of the nozzle at the end of each deposition. Normally,
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