This is a design for a single person flying vehicle. This is an electric flying vehicle that uses two high speed counter rotating ducted fans to create lift. The fans are 36 inches in diameter. The estimated flight time is about 20 minutes with the current battery technology. The vehicle will be able to lift one 250 lb. person.
The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) says pets are responsible for over 1,000 house fires every year in the United States, and an estimated 40,000 pets die in fires, mostly from smoke inhalation, With all the high tech consumer products hitting the market every day,
This system rejects robo and unwanted phone calls on both land line and cell phones. Previous methods depended on using users call list or phone numbers that were known to be robo type calls. This is not effective as callers use spoofed phone numbers.
Technical Abstract
Photovoltaic Velcro Backed Wearable Electronic Device Charger
The Photovoltaic Velcro Charger utilizes flexible microcrystalline silicon for the photovoltaic cells and is affixed to a velcro patch that would allow for the mounting of the photovoltaic charger in numerous positions on an outside garment or life jacket.
We introduce a low-cost pipette tip-based ELISA platform “ELISA in a Tip” as a next generation assay tool with lower cost, better sensitivity, shorter time, low sample and reagent volumes than traditional ELISA. Our platform could serve as a simple microfluidic adaptor that encourages to blend microfluidic advancement,
The aim of the project is to facilitate agriculture anywhere from extreme earth to space conditions by creating suitable environment simulated by micro embedded systems. The growth in population and the food markets are increasing the deforestation for increasing agricultural land to meet the demand.
Currently, the world is committed to the concept of recycling plastics. This is a very challenging process because most companies have a hard time investing in recycling. This is because recycling costs a lot considering the initial investment and running cost.
This project is about the minimization of recycling cost just like the project "Cost reduction project" ().
Electronic waste or e-waste describes discarded electrical or electronic devices. Used electronics which are destined for reuse, resale, salvage, recycling, or disposal are also considered e-waste. E-waste is the most dangerous wastes of all because it contains a plastic which does not decompose easily and the other part toxics like lead, mercury,
It is thought that, like other areas of concentrated marine debris in the world's oceans, the Great Pacific garbage patch formed gradually as a result of the ocean or marine pollution gathered by ocean currents. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch isn't the only accumulation of debris in the world's oceans,
Normally, It is very difficult to know what type of plastic different hangers are made of. What we do is throw them in a specific rubbish bin or sell them in relative organizations. They will classify them and make them for products. It is very difficult to know what type of plastic different hangers are made of,
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