In March 2020, a declaration of ‘Global Pandemic’ was issued by the World Health Organization in response to outbreak of the Corona Virus January 2020. Consequently, the WHO issued recommendations to lessen the spread several airborne vectors. One recommendation, easily accomplished, has come to be termed, ‘social distancing’.
Even with the most efficient engines on the market today a substantial portion of the energy content of fuel is lost via exhaust gases and engine cooling.
Presently, all the coolant control valves (CCV) are used on engine/vehicle applications to precisely control the coolant flow, by using electric actuators. These actuators require electric energy as an input during continuous operation.
With our developing nations and ever-growing technologies, the crime rates are also increasing with every blink of an eye. Some of the most heinous crimes amongst them are human trafficking and rape. Many nations are still being used widely by the traffickers as a receiving, sending,
PyrAmes provides wearable blood pressure monitoring devices that are non-invasive, continuous, comfortable, wireless, and easy-to-use to enable more timely and personalized treatment for patients of all ages.
The recent development of wearable electronics has drawn considerable attention from both academia and industry. Because wearable electronic devices can conform to and follow the deformation of the skin, they are capable of capturing various essential mechanical, thermal, chemical, electrical, and biological signals,
ABSTRACT. The result of this work is to get an idea of the technical implementation of the idea of a wheel platform with an articulated frame and an independent suspension system that has the ability to simultaneously fit into sharp turns and overcome significant surface irregularities.
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