Most vaccines need to be kept refrigerated between 2 and 8 degrees Celsius (PoweringHealth.org). Any temperatures outside that strict range are unacceptable. This is a problem in developing nations. Even if the regional hospital has refrigeration equipment, the vaccines still need to be distributed to individual villages.
I propose that by including biometric sensors into a portable computing platform, a new and powerful medical diagnostic product called the iMedic will alert consumers to a range of medical conditions.
Given the fact that a high percentage of the population tends to either carry or access their portable phones on a daily basis,
Individual drug tester of the cleanness of the chemical surface of fruit and vegetables.
The small, handy drug tester is aimed at a consumer protection in front of harmful chemical centres.
Radio therapy is a practical means to destroy carcinogenic tissues, but at the expense of concurrently damaging the surrounding tissues. In images diagnostics the technique known as Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) (politically correctly known as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)) has been used for many years with singular efficiency, high resolution and with negligible secondary effects.
Problem / Product Overview
It is estimated that over 80% of hospitalized patients receive Intravenous (IV) Therapy. A major problem associated with this therapy is called IV infiltration which occurs when an IV catheter either backs out of the vein or causes damage to the vein wall.

Problem and Product Summary
The Center for Disease Control and the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has issued a list of guidelines for health care facilities to decrease their rates of inpatient acquired infections. Medical facilities are dealing with decreased re-imbursements from CMS and private insurers, if an inpatient acquires a possible preventable event.
Special bed for patients who stay in the hospital for long periods of time, like the brain dead, coma, and so which lead to bed ulcer. These patients will face with bed wound and muscle weakness and other vital problems due to lack of movement. This bed helps patients and medical team in order to conquest those mentioned problems.
Rapid prototyping is a technique used for obtaining prototypes from three dimensional digital data, and has as its principle adding material in flat layers, making this manufacture also known as additive manufacturing or manufacturing by layer.
When applied to the medical field, assists cardiologists in the diagnosis, surgical planning and educationally,
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