With the world using more and more new new chemicals in the manufacture of commercial products and military weapons, and with the increasing pollution at waste disposal sites,
MUNA Enterprises is a robot design team comprised of senior mechanical engineering students from Memorial University of Newfoundland. In the course ENGI 8926: Mechanical Design Project II, students are required to identify an engineering challenge which can be researched in depth. An appropriate solution or design can also be produced for the challenge via computer simulation or fabricated prototype.
RespiRight® product line has been developed to help 9 million young children in the US control their Asthma, reduce their medication by up to 50% – 86%, and improve their health and Quality of Life.* RespiRight® is safe, drug free, noninvasive, and fun. RespiRight combines a hardware device and mobile applications that provide Cloud based assessments, advanced tracking,
After a long and intense study on cancer incidence taking into account huge official statistic data and personal data, and over 40 years of research in development of an original mental test (HuPoTest), I established that cancer diseases are mainly driven by inter-human relationships in human communities.
I had a skin allergy on the face, thighs and on the foot which started in 1989. Around 20 doctors failed in the diagnosis and the last I visited the doctor was in June 2002. Allopathy, Ayurvedic and Homeopathy medicines were tried and all were unsuccessful.

The development of a Skin Assessment and Decubitus Ulcer Prevention System is CP Electronics proposal to develop a Hospital/Nursing home bed monitoring pad which measures pressure, shear, temperature and moisture in two discrete sensing layers. Decubitus Ulcers (more commonly known as bed sores) are graded by their severity (1, 2, 3 and 4).

* A small-scale sample analyzer, in a portable package. Can possess much of the functionality of an analytical laboratory – yet requires little-to-no training. Has a simple interface and the portability of a laptop, tablet (e.g. "iPad"), smart phone or other wireless "smart" mobile device.
* In our proof-of-concept,
The aim of this project is to attempt to resolve problem of stair climbing for above-knee amputees by developing a new type of intelligent prosthesis. By resolving the stair climbing problem, many other problems that the amputees are facing in everyday life (e.g.: stepping over any obstacle) would be resolved at the same time.

We present a novel method for the encoding and decoding of multiplexed biochemical assays. The method enables a theoretically unlimited number of independent targets to be detected and uniquely identified in any combination in the same sample. For example, the method offers easy access to 12-plex and larger PCR assays, as contrasted to the current 4-plex assays.
Forgetfulness and visual impairment are the major common health problems faced by the elderly folks. Apparently, both of these illnesses are indeed dangerous especially for those patients who are under medication. In order to help the elderly patients to be independent and prevent them from forgetting about their vital medications,
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