This is a Internal Combustion Rotary Engine. Completely rotary with all parts rotating from a central axis. The ME2a, unlike all reciprocating piston engines, maximizes torque output for the duration of its power stroke. This gives it superior power and efficiency. The ME2a will replace all reciprocating piston engines.
Special bed for patients who stay in the hospital for long periods of time, like the brain dead, coma, and so which lead to bed ulcer. These patients will face with bed wound and muscle weakness and other vital problems due to lack of movement.
Overview :
Present day transportation is all based upon vehicles driving on the road. MegProp idea is a concept which states that rather it should be the road that should drives the vehicles. How? Let's See.
Basic Principle:
Take two magnets and a sheet of cardboard.
We propose here the application of Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) as part of a science surface properties package aboard a future Lake Lander.
Rapid prototyping is a technique used for obtaining prototypes from three dimensional digital data, and has as its principle adding material in flat layers, making this manufacture also known as additive manufacturing or manufacturing by layer.
When applied to the medical field, assists cardiologists in the diagnosis,
Michelle is a novel training dummy with the purpose of improving quality of executed CardioPulmonary Resuscitation (CPR). This to improve survival chances of victims suffering Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA), and to lower the amount of brain damage victims suffer during CPR.
Technologies based on microbially-catalyzed reactions are cost-effective for managing waste at a large scale. 125 million dry tons of pig waste is produced globally every year. Pig waste has high concentrations of organic carbon and nutrients like nitrogen that, when discharged to the environment,
Of major concern to food producers is the waste of costly spices and flavorings lost and non-recoverable during the manufacturing process. In the cooking/packaging processes spices/flavorings are sprayed onto products such as potato chips, corn chips or cookie-bars in liquified or aerosolized form.
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