My Solar Tracking Window Unit is a solar tracking system that hangs out of a window and tracks the sun using a method of triagularzation. It consist of three sensors: one on the right, one one the left, and one in the top center of the solar panel, Two servos are use to rotating the solar panel.
Solar Turbines are a self-contained system for utilizing environmentally available radiant energy to provide a new source of electricity. The lightweight device relies on a 19th-century concept that uses 21st-century technology. As a renewable source of energy, the Solar Turbine can generate electricity for ground-based units or on spacecraft.
1.The project is mainly focused on an alternative way, best way to get fresh water...almost any place.
2. Its potential is to purify water & can cook in an easier and faster way.
3. It's totally focused on getting maximum radiation absorption from the sun, no electricity required, no polution, light weight.
Formed from ceramic tiles imbibe solar-thermal energy in full-spectrum! Coupled with a heat-fed dynamo the panel acts like a DC battery which may be connected series or parallel. In addition, in AC mode the central A plate synchronizes all the other plates.
The first classical transistor was invented at Bell Labs in 1947, which gave rise to the electronics industry of the 20th century. However, Moore’s law – which has described the rapid technological developments of this industry – will soon come to an end. Once the features of the transistor hardware are reduced in length to approximately ten atoms across,
Of the more than 750,000 U.S. surgical patients annually, approximately 20% experience complicated seromas requiring painful and costly interventions such as aspirations, which add more than a $1 billion burden to the U.S. healthcare system.
The current standard of post-surgical care is manually operated closed-suction systems, such as Jackson-Pratt (JP) drains or Hemovacs,
In simple terms let's say you have a spacecraft and then you have a huge rubber band on the pinpoint of the nose. You pull back on the rubber band and point at the direction you want to go. At the point of your fingers the other end point of the rubber band where let's say your sling it,
The extraordinary capabilities of the GSAL is our method of creating large structures in space very fast. The Gateway Segment Assembly Line or GSAL will be amazing in many ways and the first is speed. From the time materials are first loaded, until a simple, but large frame over 200 feet long is constructed is under 30 minutes.
For hearing loss individuals, who want to reduce frustration while communicating, Echo Technology provides real-time text to speech on display integrated into your view. That offers inclusion, increases effective communication, and makes spontaneous conversations easier.
This product is an augmented reality device that provides cutting-edge technologies that will virtually change the way we communicate.
Traditional clothes recycling donation systems are often reduced into vendors’ money makers which even becomes a behavior that destroys the local economics and ecology.
When a donor donates clothing through the Spread recycle bin or the receiving services on the APP, Spread will send the actual usage situation of the clothes to the donors after the donation.
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