Enhanced EAS system is an enhanced EAS box with all controls on screen or in build in browser circuit with enhanced cap capability and extra software setup tools.The main feature of my design is in addition to the existing <Preamble>ZCZC-ORG-EEE-PSSCCC+TTTT-JJJHHMM-LLLLLLLL- after which the YEAR-CALLSIGN- be added then existing <preemble>
According to the US EPA, about 54 million of us care for our lawns and gardens every weekend. We use more than 15,000,000 gallons of gas (more the 800 million annually) and producing tons of air polluting volatile organic compounds and nitrogen oxides. More than 325,000 gallons are spilled each weekend just filling them up – that’
This project is about building a new mechanism that ensures the safety of wheelchair users going up and down an escalator. This is done by modifying the current escalators bed (upper layer in which we place our foot).
Harvesting energy efficiently is of paramount importance to maximize energy production efficiency. In order to produce energy freely I have successfully developed a new concept after spending several years to research.
How it works: Rotor coils rotate counter clockwise reaction of that makes permanent magnet rotor rotate in clockwise direction.
We present in this opportunity a 6 passenger full eVTOL aircraft concept for Urban transportation, with vertical propulsion electrical engines and propellers in under the fuselage arranged configuration with air intake. Also will have engines on the sides of the fuselage for horizontal propulsión.
My company: GRUG GROUP LLC,
The Exponential Engine is a modification to current piston and valve engine designs which will generate 4x the power for the same displacement current as Otto cycle engine design.The concept replaces crankshafts with our patent pending cam-crank permitting 2 power strokes per drive shaft revolution thus generating 4x the power for the same displacement.
There are many factors that affect agriculture but the physical factor is the critical matter. Physical factors affecting agriculture are (i) climate (ii) soil and (iii) topography. Meaning temperature, the growing season, altitude, rainfall and wind are the most critical part of a good farming output and most plants are very selective on those factors preference for growing.
This project is about building an app that monitors the number of hours your eyes have spent looking at a screen in every smart device like smartphones and computers to prevent your eyes become ill that could result in permanent blindness caused by spending too much time on screen.
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