Entrant Profile

Leelananda Jayasuriya

Location: Kelaniya, Gampaha Sri Lanka

Company: LJ Industries

Profession: Engineer/Designer

Number of times previously entering contest: 5

Favorite design and analysis tools: AutoCAD, 3D max, Adobe photoshop, Macromedia Director, Adobe premiere

For managing CAD data Leelananda's company uses: Autodesk Vault

Hobbies and activities: Design & Animations

Online communities: Yahoo MessengerSkypefacebook

Inspired by: Lateral axis wind turbine

2018 Entries

Date Title Category Views Votes
06/25 The Wind Turbines with Contour Tracer Sustainable Technologies 1906 7

2017 Entries

Date Title Category Views Votes
04/24 Compact Impulse Turbine Sustainable Technologies 2093 0

2016 Entries

2015 Entries

Date Title Category Views Votes
04/19 Lateral axis wind turbine Sustainable Technologies 8952 1

2013 Entries

Date Title Category Views Votes
06/11 Low Head Hydro Power Generation Sustainable Technologies 8408 1

2012 Entries

Date Title Category Views Votes
05/17 Tire with Outer Rim Transportation 5593 0

2010 Entries

Date Title Category Views Votes
06/09 Off Road Rider-The Walking Bridge Transportation 4159 2