A Nichrome wire is tightly pulled by two supports. This arrangement is mounted on the outside of the airplane such that airflow is at right angles to the axis of the wire.
At speed, the wire is pulled along by the airflow and exerts force on the supports.
Extreme advances in science and technology have opened up unlimited possibilities for development and creation of new products.
How to rotate the wind turbine by using carry bags instead of blades?
Please watch photos and videos for better understanding.
We know the important of wind energy. I would like everyone to carry out this experiment. So I have used easily available items (carry bags pasted over the rotating part).
My idea is to design an aircraft in such a way that it can reduce passenger’s life risk. Let me explain. HUMAN LIFE DEFENDABLE AIRCRAFT would have two major sections. One is section with machinery including engines and another is section with living body (i.e. with Passenger and aircraft staff).
I propose constructing a humanoid robot originally to allow doctors outside the combat zone to operate on injured personal as soon as possible. Being a binocular, full sized telepresence robot with haptics feedback would allow the surgeons to utilize it with minimal training.
Other uses would fulfill the definition of robot. it could stand in for first responders,
Hummingbird is a hardware scheme designed to interface with a free VivaPlanet () data-analysis engine. Hummingbird will send information about the health of its environment to the VivaPlanet data-analysis engine to allow the user to predict and better understand the health of the environment of Hummingbird. Anyone can use an ethernet,
Hurricanes- the natural disasters are the major threats to our mankind. Up to now we are predicting the way of hurricane and time of happening but we are not stopping it. The solution for this problem is hidden in nature itself. In the near future we can stop it by using solar power.
Efficient airplanes is a project about implementation of the technology of hybrid cars used for the Li+ ion battery recharge,
We have seen Hybrid cars being developed by various OEMs. As an innovation, for developing market such as India, 2-wheelers / motorbikes having the bigger market share, I did my final year bachelor's project on Hybrid Motorbike. I believe,
Development of an effective social power plant
An efficient power plant, boon to the rural society
A renewable power plant
A power plant with zero pollution
A power plant whose consequences doesn’
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